School Community Council


Aloha!  This page provides information to stakeholders about our school's finances and operations for School Year 2023-24 via our Academic Plan and Comprehensive Financial Plan.  Our School Community Council (SCC), made up of principals, teachers, staff, students, parents, and volunteer community members, helps to craft and approve these plans for the following school year.  An election is held annually to set membership on the SCC.  If you're interested in joining our SCC, please contact the principal.  Learn more about School Community Councils on the Hawaii DOE website

Ewa Elementary School's School Community Council:

SCC Roster:

Admin:  S. Tamashiro,  J. Tasaka, J. Aronica

Certificated Staff:  R. Arias,  T. Trevathan, L. Nagatoshi

Classified Staff:  E. Domingo

Students: Varies

Parents: K. Amodo

Volunteer Community Members: I. Kaonohi,  J. Tatsuyama

          New Members are Always Welcomed!

Community Meetings

First Monday of the Month

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm in the Ewa School Hub

Agenda will be posted 1 week prior

SSC Meeting Agendas


Thank you to our community partner, Queens West Oahu & COO Susan Murray for your generous donation of school supplies!