Your child will be attending one of the oldest schools in the Leeward District, with our roots dating back to 1882. While our school was located in other areas in Ewa, we have been in this location since the early 1920s. In 1959, I began my formal education at Ewa School in Room C-33, with Mrs. Armstrong as my Kindergarten teacher. At that time, we were an elementary and intermediate school with 9th graders. The main building, which housed classrooms, main office, auditorium and cafeteria has been replaced by a number of newer buildings. A row of teacher cottages has been replaced by the parking lot on the Kapolei side of the cafeteria. Our garden, where students cultivated a variety of fruits and vegetables, has been replaced by L-Building and the playground on the Honolulu side of L-Building. Our Library was housed in a large building where P1 and P2 stand. By the time I graduated from 6th grade in 1967, we had become a K-6 elementary school, with I-Building as our newest building.
Up until the early 1990s, children of sugar plantation workers comprised the greater majority of our enrollment. With the closing of Oahu Sugar Company in the mid-90s, new housing developments have replaced former sugar cane land. We have become a very diverse community, bringing to our school a variety of values, beliefs and practices. While older facilities have been replaced, the hard work, effort and commitment from our faculty and staff have not changed over the years and we are dedicated to provide your child the best education possible.
PRINCIPAL: Stanley Tamashiro, Jr.
OCCUPATION: Principal (January 2003 - Present)
INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL: Ewa Beach (now known as Ilima)
HIGH SCHOOL: James Campbell High School ’73
*Leeward District Deputy Superintendent (August 2001 - December 2001)
*Complex Area Superintendent for Campbell, Kapolei and Wai’anae Complexes (January 2002 - December 2002)
PERSONAL MOTTOS: “Expect Blood, Give Blood,” “Kaizen,” "The Ewa Way"
*2021 Distinguished Educator, University of Hawaii College of Education Alumni Association
*Patriot Award (2012)
*Moanalua High School Kina’ole Award Winner (2009)
*Masayuki Tokioka Excellence in School Leadership Award (2009)
Lincoln Day
Scholarship Recipients
Community Read Aloud